Branding Basics III: Your Product/Service Deliverance


Here is part III of the Branding Basics series. In this post, I want to deal with the third concept of my branding definition. Just to recap, Branding is the culmination of your visual appearance, your customer’s experience, and your product/service deliverance. Let’ deal with this last component which balls down to one question: Did your product or service guarantee actually solve the pain point of the customer?

Knowing if your product/service can guarantee results is not something you can answer as the CEO per se. No one wants to hear from the CEO, they want to hear from their peers. Your customer has to give you this feedback in order for it to be authentic, true, and real. You cannot guarantee something if it has not been tested. This is how you test the market. This is how you clarify your target audience sometimes. Many clients have come to my virtual table with a broad description of their target audience and we have had to niche it down to something more specific. You are not called to a broad audience. You are specialist with a specialty and you need to make that clear so that the RIGHT client or customer engages your product or service.

Now, If you are new to market, make sure you beta test your services and products so that you can get the feedback and client love. I normally advise my clients who go through my BrandAtelier Experiences and they don’t have any testimonials to go test out their product and service. You can launch and be a new business but have reviews like you been in business for a long time. People follow the advice of other people. We choose the brands to connect to by first looking at reviews. When you have reviews and client love, you can elevate the message about your guarantee and what your customer can expect. You have proof now and that is most valuable.

In conclusion, I love how Branding Mag defines branding and why it is important:

Branding is the perpetual process of identifying, creating, and managing the cumulative assets and actions that shape the perception of a brand in stakeholders’ minds. Branding is absolutely critical to a business because of the overall impact it makes on your company. Branding can change how people perceive your brand, it can drive new business, and increase brand value – but it can also do the opposite if done wrongly or not at all.


I hope this blog blessed your life.

Share your thoughts in the comments below.

- Quiana J. Speaks

Are you ready to dive deep into the strategy of your brand? I want to invite you to a :60 Brand Strategy session if you want help with this. In this Brand Strategy Sesh, we will strategically discuss your brand identity. You will leave with actionable steps and clarity with your brand. Hope to see you on the other side.

Interested? Click HERE to book your :60 Brand Strategy Sesh today.

Quiana J

My superpower is to ACTIVATE your confidence + take your creative awesomeness - that God-given uniqueness & brilliance you have been endowed with, and with the implementation of strategy, style, and systems, turn it into an online brand that has presence, power, & profits to match.

3 Reasons Why Branding is Important


Branding Basics II: Your Customer’s Experience