Facing Mount Everest


Do you feel like you are in a situation that seems like a Mount Everest? It is a mountain that seems larger than life and you have no idea how you are going to overcome it?

At church yesterday, we truly encountered the Lord and it was amazing in my eyes and one of our ordained teachers taught on the message of "Facing Mount Everest". It was so amazing that I have re-preached this to several groups and friends. This message really resonated with me, so let me give you some biblical bombshells real quick.

#1 Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world and people who want to climb and conquer Mount Everest must have a personal trainer that physically, mentally, psychologically, and emotionally prepares them for the climb.

Here is the biblical bombshell: Many of us do not prepare well in "peaceful" seasons. We will try to live our best life and we easily forget to continually give God our undivided devotion so He could feed us with knowledge and understanding and exercise our senses towards spiritual things. It is in these seasons that He is our personal trainer so that when Mount Everest-like situations come into our lives, we are fully prepared to climb that mountain.

Now, I know many of you want to speak to the mountain and make it move but there will be mountains that won't be moved because God is requiring you to climb. There are DIVINE LESSONS in the climb.

#2 As you begin to ascend up the mountain of Mount Everest, the temperature gets really cold and the weather patterns are unpredictable.

Here is the biblical bombshell: When you are facing your Mount Everest-like situation, know that the conditions are unpredictable. It will seem like it is getting worse, but it does not mean that you should give up. You should make it your business to FINISH and CONQUER it. See, all of us will have these type of mountains to climb. Winners and losers have the same goal - to overcome it but what separates you as a winner is your intentional will to WIN. Losers make excuses. Losers cry and quit. Losers give up in the middle of the process. Are you a loser or a winner? Are you more than a conqueror like God said about you? 

#3 Because the weather is unpredictable, sometimes there will be avalanches that will block the pathway in which you walk. 

Here is the biblical bombshell: You will want to give up and you will want to be in despair. But detours don't cancel the trip to purpose, it just blocks one way to get to the destination. There is always another way. If you stand there and look at the obstruction too long, you will end up cancelling your trip to purpose. You have to keep going. God always makes a way up.

#4 When you elevate to different parts of Mount Everest, there are points where the mountaineers have to sit and rest for a couple of weeks to adjust to the elevation. In your body, there is plasma, white blood cells and red blood cells that remain at the same levels on any given day but the moment that you encounter elevation where the oxygen is decreased, your red blood cells which are responsible for carrying oxygen to all of your organs and body will begin to increase so that you have a "larger capacity" to carry oxygen. This means the mountaineers must take this very seriously because if they go up too fast and dishonor this principle, they will die.

Here is the biblical bombshell: When God is elevating you as you go up your Mount Everest-like situation, your spiritual body has to begin to adapt to the new elevation. If you ascend too high too fast, you will kill yourself and never make it to destiny. Be content with the process and the pace to your purpose - YES, there is purpose at the top of the Mount Everest but there is a deeper "FORMATION" that is happening in between at different points in the process. Don't neglect the resting periods. It seems like nothing is happening, but your "body" is adapting. You are BECOMING.

God's goal is for you to get to the top as a different version of yourself so that He gets the glory and you get to share the story that you climbed a mountain that was once impossible and crazy to climb, but with God, He made it all possible. Imagine how God wants to use you after this, .

Let me know how this lands in your spirit. Hit the comments.

I hope this blog blessed your life.

- Quiana J. Speaks

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Quiana J

My superpower is to ACTIVATE your confidence + take your creative awesomeness - that God-given uniqueness & brilliance you have been endowed with, and with the implementation of strategy, style, and systems, turn it into an online brand that has presence, power, & profits to match.


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