I Want More From God


I want more from God. Do you feel the same way? Is this the scream you have on the inside? You want more from God, whether it is deeper intimacy or whether you truly need something to manifest or materialize in your life. What is it that you want more of?

God will not release MORE in your life until you are POSTURED for more.

  • Daniel 2:20 He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the understanding.

  • Isaiah 55:10 He gives bread to eaters and seed to sowers.

  • Matthew‬ ‭25‬:‭29‬ ‭NLT‬‬“‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.”‭‭

Every one of these scriptures seem counterproductive as you would think to give seed to those who who don’t have, bread to those who who are hungry and don’t have, wisdom to those who are unwise, knowledge to those who are ignorant but the pattern here is speaking of a POSTURE and in that posture, there is a level of stewardship that is required.

What this looks like in real life is that maybe you want deeper intimacy with God. What in your life are you doing speaks to wanting deeper intimacy with God? 

Nothing in life comes by osmosis. Everything in life is formed by the decisions you make.

So, have you built out time in your day to daily delight in Him, to give Him undivided attention to not only dump your issues on Him, but to also position yourself to hear back from Him? Do you spend time reading/memorizing His Word so that the Holy Spirit, who is the Revealer of Secrets, the mind of God who reveals and manifests the mind of God, has something to work with in your spirit to bring revelation to? Do you take the time to minister unto the Lord just because He is Good and has been gracious unto you?

Maybe you want a financial breakthrough? What are you doing with the little that is in the bank? Are you a tithe payer/seed sower, a channel by which God can use you to bless others? Have you read and studied ALL the scriptures about finances, wealth, inheritance, legacy, sowing, etc to get God's complete mind on the matter? Or are you simply looking for $1000 to come out the sky? 

Are you looking for God to increase His encounters with you by way of visions, dreams, and having the ability to prophesy? Well, have you established a journal or record that let's God know you are anticipating and waiting for Him to speak to you in dreams and visions? Then when you have the dream or the vision, have you sought Him for interpretation? Then when He gives you the interpretation and maybe an instruction to do something, have you followed all the way through? 

Your obedience attracts MORE and increases the anointing on your life because God begins to trust that you will follow through and that you VALUE Him and His Word.

Until you position yourself by managing the little, there is no spiritual demand on Heaven or on God to release more.

If you would like to have more inner healing and Kingdom life coaching, I invite you to join the b,HER Inner Circle (if you have not already become a member). 

Tonight at 8PM, I am going LIVE to talk about H.A.B.I.T.S: Becoming Aware of Cycles & Patterns that Destroys Your Progress. Habits are repeated practices that can turn into cycles and patterns that destroys our progress to healing and personal development. Let's go deeper into learning what God has to say about habits, cycles, and patterns, how to break destructive habits, and build productive habits led by the Holy Spirit.

Will you be there? Will you join? There is more to your life that requires you to BECOME MORE and to BECOME HER.

Let me know how this lands for you. Hit the comments.

I hope this blog blessed your life.

- Quiana J. Speaks

Are you ready to go into deeper intimacy with God? I invite you to join the b.HER Inner Circle which is my FREE private mentorship group for women who want to HEAL from every matter of the heart that hinders her from moving forward in life, EVOLVE into the daughter of Christ that walks with presence & power through deeper intimacy with God, and REIGN in every area of life & become who God has designed for her to be.

Interested? Click here to join this group.

Quiana J

My superpower is to ACTIVATE your confidence + take your creative awesomeness - that God-given uniqueness & brilliance you have been endowed with, and with the implementation of strategy, style, and systems, turn it into an online brand that has presence, power, & profits to match.


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