You Are a Custom Order


Biblical Bombshell™ 🔥💣

You are a custom order with a custom orders created for a custom audience.

In other words, God customized you off the menu of His mind and has given you custom orders for a custom audience.

In Jeremiah 18, God commands Jeremiah to go to the Potter's house and as he goes in, he sees the potter working on the mold.

Listen, when you are working with pottery, the clay cannot be too hard or too soft. Hard clay means you sat in atmospheres too long and have dried out. You are hard-hearted and no longer respond to the touch of God. The clay also cannot be too soft which means you buckle under pressure at every whim, emotionally distraught with every device of the enemy.

The goal of the Potter is to get the clay centered on the wheel without exerting too much effort. 

Does it take Him so much effort to get you on the wheel?

Then when the clay is in perfected mold, you sit it out to dry. Then it goes into a kiln at 1000 degrees celsius to make it really hard and sustainable, then it is decorated, and presented to the world.

Here is a prophetic word for you, .

In this season, God wants to mold you into the image of His son and make you so stable that you could withstand the pressures of the world without buckling. He wants to decorate you with His glory and His presence and present you to the world. 

The mold that you are becoming is so unique that no one has seen it before and this difference is the EXACT beauty and glory that is revealed to a people who will appreciate the value of your expression. 

No longer try to force others to value what they cannot perceive. Don't take it personal. God did not reveal your expression to them.

Let me know how this lands for you. Hit the comments.

I hope this blog blessed your life.

- Quiana J. Speaks

Are you ready to go into deeper intimacy with God? I invite you to join the b.HER Inner Circle which is my FREE private mentorship group for women who want to HEAL from every matter of the heart that hinders her from moving forward in life, EVOLVE into the daughter of Christ that walks with presence & power through deeper intimacy with God, and REIGN in every area of life & become who God has designed for her to be.

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Quiana J

My superpower is to ACTIVATE your confidence + take your creative awesomeness - that God-given uniqueness & brilliance you have been endowed with, and with the implementation of strategy, style, and systems, turn it into an online brand that has presence, power, & profits to match.

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Pain is Power